Managing Humans - Biting and Humorous Tales...
“Managing humans” means getting two things right: The very big and the very small. Michael Lopp offers plenty of advice for both.
“Managing humans” means getting two things right: The very big and the very small. Michael Lopp offers plenty of advice for both.
A pretty neat guide to basic management interactions. I found the sections on decision making and coaching especially worthwhile.
In many agile adopting orgs I encountered there is a glaring fap between the theory of the self-organizing and directing team and the practice of someone (as in one person) doing all the organizing and directing. Nice to see Prahlad Yeri made a similar experience .
Discovered John Cutlefishs blog today, great material, loved A 12 step progrogram for recovering product managers.
Working in an agile context can feel “babylonian” at times. With everybody using the same terms, implying different things. So these charts might come in handy some time: Scrum VS Kanban VS Lean VS Extreme.
A true trove of inspiration, open anywhere and find inspiration for everyday management work.
Equal parts auto-biography and corporate manifesto this book provides an interesting glimpse at what made the worlds hippest company with an ecological conciousness.
Superstar biographies, genius interviews and parental anecdotes, might lead us to believe that success or failure in life depend only on us making the perfect choice at the perfect moment. Fortunately they are all wrong.
There are many ways to learn about Scrum, I found this among the most entertaining.