Agile, or How to defeat bureaucracy with 7 mandatory meetings per week
Great no-bullshit intro to Agile, Scrum, backlogs, kickoffs, stand-ups, demos and retrospectives and what the whole fuzz is about by Curtis Lassam.
Great no-bullshit intro to Agile, Scrum, backlogs, kickoffs, stand-ups, demos and retrospectives and what the whole fuzz is about by Curtis Lassam.
Total efficiency constrains us. We become super invested in maintaining the status quo because that is where we excel. Innovation is a threat. Change is terrifying. Being perfect at something is dangerous if it’s the only thing you can do.
How an over emphasis on efficiency leads to fragility: Getting ahead while being inefficient.
Some interesting thoughts on early vs late stage projects and pre-mature optimization vs technical debt.
There are many ways to learn about Scrum, I found this among the most entertaining.
But, it’s urgent! We are late! We need to hurry – our client expects this. There it is, a stakeholder calls to put “a bit of pressure” on the team, to “go the extra mile” or “work double as fast”. All in order to meet a milestone, add another feature or meet an impossible deadline. And as you crack your whip and shout “Faster!” your team miraculously pulls through – another crisis averted, another deadline meet.